Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text

The project 'Extracting Terminological Concept Systems from Natural Language Text' (Text2TCS) addresses the extraction of terminological concept systems from texts in multiple natural languages.

The software is available on the European Language Grid (ELG) - just try it out here!

More about Text2TCS.

The one-year ELG pilot project is run by the Centre for Translation Studies of the University of Vienna in 2020/2021.

Text2TCS news


As part of the DCAI 2021, the system developed by Text2TCS will be presented.


The results of the Text2TCS project were presented at the third ELG Conference.


Dagmar Gromann presents the Text2TCS paper Multilingual Extraction of Terminological Concept Systems.


The Text2TCS service for the extraction of terms and concept systems has been released.


The Text2TCS contribution received an award on the last conference day.


The Text2TCS contribution Towards Learning Terminological Concept Systems from Multilingual Natural Language Text is now available online.